Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Episode 4 (full episode)

[Open back up on Marys Hospital room]
Marys Mother: what the hell are you doing
Audrey: Doctor This is Mary’s Mother
Mary’s Mother: that’s right what are you doing
Doctor: we need to take your daughter off life support shes not going to improve we couldn’t get in contact with you
Mary’s Mother: you were going to let them euthanize my daughter
[she throws a punch at Audrey and there is a huge hair pulling fight security comes in and escorts them away to a holding cell blackout]
[open back up on Andrew and Gabriel after Jordan walks in]
Gabriel: what are you doing here
Jordan: I came to see you, apparently someone already beat me to the punch
Gabriel: Jordan I’m so sorry
Jordan: its alright I don’t care, apparently you don’t either
Andrew: im gonna go
Jordan: yeah don’t bother ill leave you two are obviously pretty comfortable
[he storms out into the hall as how to save a life by the fray begins to play in the background]
[open up on the holding cell where Audrey and Mary’s mom are left after being detained]
Audrey: I know you probably hate me right now but I was never going to sign those papers to do anything to hurt your daughter, I was going to sign over my power of attorney to someone else because I didn’t have the heart to make that kind of decision
Mary’s Mom: yeah I bet you seemed awfully convinced by that sadist of a doctor
Audrey: well you know what were not getting anywhere sitting here arguing
[Audrey begins to climb the bench and starts unscrewing the plate on the air vent with her bobby pin]
Mary’s Mom: what are you doing now
Audrey: well im trying to get us out of here because without us there they are going to pull the plug on Mary anyway
Mary’s Mom: whatever move over, just so you know this changes nothing I still hate you
Audrey: well that’s your right now help me up so I can get up there and crawl through the vent to let you out of here
Mary’s Mom: why are you the one who crawls through the vent
Audrey: because you and I both know you cant fit in there and I can now shut up and help me
[Audrey climbs up into the vent and drops down out of the panel at the end of the hall and walks down to the cell and opens it up and they rush off after which a security guard walks in to check on them and sees that they are gone]
[open on the hospital room Audrey and Mary’s Mom arrive right as the doctor turns off the machines and the E.K.G. flatlines Mary’s Mom breaks down and cries there is a brief scene afterward of Marys body being taken to the morgue the orderly steps out of the room into the hall way to sign something walks back in and the body is gone blackout storyline change]
[a few weeks have passed by, Gabriel is out of the hospital and grieving over Mary’s death getting ready for the funeral with Andrew trying to help him]
Andrew: so do you want to wear the blue vest or the red vest
Gabriel: I can pick it myself thanks
Andrew: im just trying to help you
Gabriel: who says I need help
Andrew: don’t get bitchy with me
Gabriel: im not bitchy im pissed off
Andrew: at what
Gabriel: maybe the fact that my friend just died recently its only been a week and we cant even burry her properly because her body was stolen from the morgue by god knows who doesn’t that give me some right to be upset
Andrew: I know your angry I know your disappointed but yelling at me isn’t going to bring her back
Gabriel: it just feels like im cursed you know, it took me forever to get you but in the process I lost my best friend its just not fair
Andrew: I can tell you need a minute, im going to go outside and just meet me in the limo
[he gets dressed and wears the belt mary bought for him, and gets in the limo and they arrive at the funeral]
Preacher: and now in Mary’s memory her best friend Gabriel would like to say a few words about her
Gabriel: Mary was my best friend, I knew her since we were little children since about the age of three, shes been by my side through, everything, it took everyone else a while to cope when I came out of the closet but Mary accepted me without prejudice and told me something I would like to repeat now, “ you’re my friend , you were my friend before let me be your friend now” I don’t know if I would still be here today without her, and she will never be forgotten, she was taken from us long before her time, and its not fair but we must carry on and never forget what happened to our friend, cause after all that’s what she was to everyone, no matter how unique, difficult or just completely mad , she accepted everyone, and I know she is accepted in heaven
[the church bell tolls and there is a quick blackout opening back up on the house with Gabriel and Andrew]
Andrew: are you still grieving? You’ve been wearing black for to long, I know Mary was your best friend, but let me be there for you now.
Gabriel: fine
Andrew: let me help you forget your sadness and help you be happy
[he kisses Gabriel and they begin to make out hardcore shirts come off Gabriel pulls off Andrews belt and then the phone rings]
Gabriel: Saved by the bell
Andrew: whats that supposed to mean
Gabriel: shhh? [picks up phone] hello?
[he looks shocked and drops the phone blackout end of episode 4]