Thursday, March 24, 2011

Episode 1 Scene 5 - blakes storyline-

[Morning after where the show left off-:-
Lilith sits at her vanity admiring herself in the mirrior while combing her tantalizing red waves of hair]

Lilith: Look at me. I’m beautiful, breathtaking to be honest. One day I will rule the world, but for now I will settle for ruling the school. Who wouldn’t want to be with me? James will learn to adore the tile of flooring I walk on. [Addressing the mirror] And darling,  no one will ever turn you down. You are THE QUEEN! [Snaps like a diva]
[Satisfied with her speech she finishes combing her hair and turns to grab her cell phone when her receives a text]

I no ur secrt

[Trembling with fear Lilith closes her phone and sets it aside. She finishes her makeup grabs her bag and runs downstairs to grab her car keys]

Elise: Darling you better hurry or you will be late AGAIN.
Lilith: Mother I know! GOSH JUST LEAVE ME BE!
Elise: Now Elizabeth Dee dont you use that tone with me young lady!
Lilith: Mother! My name is Lilith not that fiflthy overused weakling name you gave me at birth!

[Elise sighs knowing the argument will only cause her daughter to be late to school again]

Elise: Okay LILITH run along now you have to get to school..
[The two share a quick hug and Lilith leaves]
[Lilith arrives to school in her custom shade pink volkswagon, Lolliee: Lilith’s always up-beat and bubbly best and closest friend greets her as she pulls up]
Lolliee: OMG Lilith where have you been James has been looking for you for like EVER girl!
Lilith: Had the usual morning fight with the HAG chill Lolliess. James can hold off and wait we ARE playing my game which means MY RULES.
Lolliee: Allrighty!.......So the school is in like humongo chaos after yesterdays spillage of homoness. Gabriel AND Andrew. WOW who would have thought. All of that delicious man candy GONE from our playing field. [sighs]

[Lilith receives another text, zoom in on her phone screen]


[Lilith gets the chills: zoom in on her face then back to the phone as it renders another new message from the unknown number]

Oh Red I love it when the sun plays with ur hair like that

[Lilith grabs Lollies arm and leads her quickly toward the school building door as her phone goes off again and she checks it franticly trying to be non-chalant]

My Queen why do u run away only whn I admire?Dnt u c that I LOVE U!XOXOX

Lolliee: HEY! Lilith why are we walking soooo fast? I’m wearing GUCCI heels and my feet hurt!
Lilith: Oh it's nothing just you know don’t want to be late for first bell.

[Lilith recieves one last message before she powers down her phone zoom in once more on the phone for the message then back to close up]

Run run as fast as you can now.. YOU WILL BE MINE!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Episode 2 (full episode)

Episode two –
[interior lunchroom day, Gabriel approaches his normal table but is given the shunning eyes]
Gabriel: hey guys?
Jillian: umm I’m sorry do I know you?
Gabriel: guys what the fuck is going on
Lollie: well, well, if it isn’t the slut herself
Gabriel: what are you talking about?
Jillian: idk why don’t you ask Kyle , seeing as you two seem to be into the business of creating gossip
Gabriel: I FUCKING HATE KYLE! What the hell kind of game are you playing at?
Lollie: well apparently not too much considering he helped you force someone to convert, I thought you were cool, you really give your people a bad name
Gabriel: what the hell, move out of my spot so I can explain this all to you
Jillian: well considering your newly acquired reputation we can’t be seen associating with you, its just not good business
Gabriel: wow , some friends you turned out to be, oh and by the way , next time your so slopping drunk that you can barely stand and need someone to take you in for the night to keep you from getting kicked out of your house, ill have to remind myself about your reputation for being a traitor in Prada shoes.
[he storms out of the lunch room being stared down he runs through the halls and gets knocked down, by someone]
Gabriel: Jesus! twice in one week are you kidding me
[the guy he bumped into bends down to help him]
Jordan: I’m sorry it was my fault forgive me
Gabriel: no it was mine I should have been looking where the hell I was going
Jordan: you seem frustrated something wrong
Gabriel: its just, my friends for some undetermined reason have decided to excommunicate me, and everyone keeps mean mugging at me and I have no idea why, and Jillian who I thought of all people had my back as much as I’ve stuck up for her, has turned completely one eighty on me
Jordan: wow sounds terrible, I’m Jordan by the way, I just transferred here from Westover High, you know I don’t really know anybody here and you’re the first person that’s even talked to me, and a guy as cute as you should never eat lunch alone… would you mind terribly much having lunch with me?
Gabriel: that’s so sweet, but not today I have something to see to, but I would definitely love to take you up on that offer tomorrow here let me give you my number
[they exchange information]
Jordan: I’m really glad I bumped into you, it was nice to meet someone who doesn’t treat me like I’ve got the plague just because I’m new
[quick screen swipe, Gabriel walks into the common area and sees Andrew with Anna and his old group of friends]
Andrew: and then he comes at me and next thing I know his tongue is in my mouth and I was just like its cool your drunk, I just cant believe he would try so hard to get me to be with him, I mean did you see that video?
Anna: you must be so angry
Andrew: no I’m not, I’m a live and let live kind of guy, I mean at least I know who my true friends are now because of this
[pissed off Gabriel darts off to class]
[fade back in on class Gabriel sits in the back meanwhile people are talking in loud un discernable whispers around him looking back and pointing at him]
Anna: I just cant believe he tried to take my man
[Gabriel overhears and gets up and objects]
Gabriel: Everyone shut up! , I had nothing and I repeat nothing to do with that video, and I didn’t kiss Andrew he kissed me, and if he was your man to begin with he wouldn’t have sent me three texts telling me he loved me, which seeing as he’s now lying to everyone and making me seem like a jackass or a recruiter or some kind of hopeless neurotic is obviously a lie!
[he gets up walks to the door slings it open and walks out slamming it behind him]
[the bell rings, follow cam as Gabriel struts confidently down the hall, he walks right up to where Andrew is congregated at his locker with his friends]
Andrew: look look here he comes everyone quiet
[Gabriel just walks up to him and kisses him in front of all of his friends]
Gabriel: And you’re a damn liar if you say you didn’t like that because we both know you kissed back
[ he collects his things and saunters off]
-blackout/storyline break& commercial moment-

[Trying to put the mesages from earlier in the past and forgotten, Lilith gets ready for the nights party with Loliee]

Loliee: So like Gabriel was all like get out of my seat and Jili was all like um no way homo. It was priceless! GOD and did you hear about homo's blowout today in class( Loliee giggles) that was like watching who my baby dady drama off of like the tv.

Lilith: Jilli said that Gabe tried to turn her into a lesbian the other day... I dont believe it though she just wants attention. So what should I wear tonight?

Loliee: Something HOT and DANGEROUS we want all guys looking your way!

(Lilith rummages through her closet and wardrobe. She spies a skin tight black and red corset made into a halter, her skin tight black leather paints and red pumps)

Lilith: What about this?

Loliee: YES! PERFECT! U would look so yummy in that that I might even hook up with you!

Lilith: I rather you wouldnt

Loliee: Geesh Lilith Im just playing!

Lilith: Im so excited for David to see me all hot and spicy.

Loliee: I thought his name was Brian...

Lilith: Im pretty sure its David

Loliee: Or was it Keith....(both girls start saying guys names then stop to think about it) well whatever who care its just a name and that only counts when you are in bed with them but nowadays you can call them with pet names and who doesnt love good pet names?

(Liliths mother walks in calling her L.M. for the time being)

L.M.: Girls where are you going tonight?

Lilith: Well MOTHER we are going to a party tonight...

L.M.: And did you even make an attempt to ask permission to go to this Party? NO!( Grabs a chair and throws it,then starts to grab clothes from the closet and throw them.) You never ask you just take take and take from me and what do I do I give you everything! EVERYTHING!

Loliee: (Screams) Lilith stop her!

Lilith: Mother stop it this instant! Father would not be happy if he heard about this!

L.M.: Oh ...( drops everything in her hands,stares at her hands as if in disgust and horror) My dearest I think you are right. Mommy is going to go lay down now. Have fun at your get together.Goodnight..(walks out of room and heads to bed)

Loliee: That was insane! Did she take her meds today or what?

Lilith: Im so sorry.Dont mention this to anyone..She has been under a lot of stress lately and we sometimes lose her and she gets like this.

Loliee: Dont worry girl I got your back, youre my best friend I wouldnt hurt you like that...Now with that aside lets go PARTY!
[Fade back in on Gabriel’s room he is getting ready for a party with his best friend Mary]
Mary: [holding up a wardrobe options] Okay, so which one do you like better this one or the one I tried on earlier?
Gabriel: does it matter at all they both look hot, and its going to be low lighting anyway so don’t sweat it, which one can you dance in better is a better question?
Mary: honey I’m not dancing tonight
Gabriel: fair enough, which one can you grind in better?
Mary: aha that’s a good one
Gabriel: well dear you know I can’t help myself, have to make light of the situation
Mary: true, good news is since I broke up with Adam and healed up from the wreck I am loving the single life, I don’t know why you dread it so much, being able to go out with a different person every night you want, sounds like a perfect deal for me
Gabriel: and there’s the issue, it’s not like every gay guy is out, especially in this town, or at least the ones interested in guys my age, otherwise known as other guys my age. I mean it’s not like we go outside wearing signs that say hey world I’m gay come and get me
Mary: you know what I meant though, so how did it turn out with Andrew?
Gabriel: well after Kyle let loose that lovely video clip, you would think it would be going great, for me at least obviously he would and rightfully should have a period of hardship, but part of me was so happy that Kyle did what he did, because I thought he would finally embrace things and be who he is and I could have been there for him while hes going through all the hardship and the backlash from the people you think are your friends that really aren’t, and I could have been there but I guess not anymore
Mary: what happened exactly?
Gabriel: he tried to do the one thing you should never do, put the genie back in the bottle, and now he’s managed to put a spin on things and make it seem like I was the one who kissed him, when he kissed me, as if you couldn’t tell on the video
Mary: oh my god seriously, I hate missing school because I always miss the good stuff
Gabriel: yeah so now Jillian and Lollie and everyone else that’s tied in with that click thinks I’m some sort of recruiter or that I hit on straight guys
Mary: well, regardless of what those air headed bimbos want to believe I know you and I’m never going to take anyone’s word over you, so what happened next. And why with such a turbulent day are you so damn smiley
Gabriel: okay what do I love more than chocolate covered strawberries?
Mary: revenge, no wait, yeah I’m going with revenge
Gabriel: exactly, so after this big blow out, like you know that scene in Meangirls where they’re like “you cant sit with us” okay it was like that so I’m storming off pissed and I ran into this person books go everywhere, and I look up, and it’s a new kid, a really really cute new kid, but even better than that, an out of the closet gay really cute new kid, and he asked me out and gave me his number and the whole nine yards.
Mary: so romantic
Gabriel: okay so he didn’t exactly ask me out per-say but he asked to have lunch, like the rest of the period with me, I told him I’d love to some other time, but I had something to do
Mary: wait story turn
Gabriel: oh no it gets better, so I walked right up to Andrew, and just kissed him right on the lips and said to him, you’re a damn liar if you say you didn’t enjoy that, and then just sauntered off
Mary: Oh my god , oh my god, oh my god, that’s crazy
Gabriel: so I’m definitely looking forward to tonight because its going to be interesting
Mary: because Andrew is gonna be there
Gabriel: because Andrew is gonna be there and I’m going to be there with Jordan, and I don’t care what he has to say about it, I mean he’s breaking my heart by being with that slut Anna so I don’t see the harm in dating someone who just so happens to be interested in me, and is actually comfortable enough to be with me, but anyway we gotta get going because the party was supposed to start a hot minute ago, were late girl
-blackout/storyline break/commercial-
[lights up on the party, Mary walks in and is followed by Gabriel, Andrew is dancing with Anna, the music is very loud]
Gabriel: of course he’s dancing with her, still putting up the charade
Mary: don’t even worry about him, your golden darling in fact hold on a second
[she goes over to the stereo, and hooks up her ipod, and “we are golden” by Mika begins to play]
Gabriel: you did not
Mary: come on this is your song, and if he can dance with another girl so can you
Gabriel: this is dysfunctional on so many levels
Mary: just shut up and dance
Gabriel: what the hell
[Jordan enters, and approaches from behind]
Jordan: do you mind if I cut in
Mary: oh why hello
Gabriel: this is Jordan, Jordan this is Mary my best friend and official fag hag
Mary: well as amazingly awkward as this is for me, I see a hottie over there without a date, so that’s my cue to leave
[she saunters off]
Jordan: shall we?
[they begin to dance, which doesn’t escape the notice of Andrew across the floor who is eyeing them longingly with a hint of jealousy in his eyes]
[Attention refocuses on  Lilith you see Lilith has lost Loliee at the party and is pushing through the huge crowd around the pool]

Kyle: Hello gorgeous! [Wrapping his arms around Lilith’s waist and pulling her close]

Lilith:Hello stranger I dont know who has his arm all over me

Kyle:Well how about we get me from stranger to lover tonight red.

Lilith:What did you call me?

Kyle:Uhh red? Babe your hair is red.

(Lilith takes a second to get her nerves calmed down before responding)

Lilith:So stranger whats your name?

Kyle: What do you want it to be?

Lilith: Nothing. [Lilith says with a seductive smile, she guides him away from the party and camera leaves the two of them]
[after a while the song ends]
Gabriel: ill be right back I just have to go really quick, mother nature is calling
Jordan: ill be here waiting
[he exits toward the bathroom the camera follows as he goes in and closes the door, then pans to the otherside, to see him buttoning back up and washing his hands when Andrew opens the door shuts and locks it behind him]
Gabriel: what are you doing?
Andrew: I could ask you the same thing
Gabriel: whats your deal?
Andrew: I look over and see you dancing with some other guy and it pisses me off
Gabriel: oh so you can dance with Anna and parade around, like I’m some kind of sick homo that goes around surprise attacking straight guys with kisses, and sit there with a straight face and say that I kissed you, and not the other way around
Andrew: why is it always this way with you
Gabriel: look you can either have me or have your charade but you can’t have both, I had feelings for you, I still want you so badly it hurts and every day we go on like this its tearing a hole in my heart and destroying my pride, you know I’m glad Kyle broadcast that video, because at least now I know that we will never be together because you’re never going to accept yourself, and I can’t be with someone who’s ashamed of me
Andrew: I’m not ashamed of you
Gabriel: well it sure as hell seems that way, I’m sorry if you can’t find the strength to be yourself, I’m sorry I’m not good enough for you, that you can’t be honest with yourself, much less the people around you, and I’m sorry that I’m not strong enough to be alone forever waiting for you to be with me, you’ve made it abundantly clear to me what’s going on here, and I met someone else and I have a chance for happiness finally and I’m taking it
Andrew: I thought you loved me
Gabriel: I do, I think I always will somehow, but maybe love isn’t enough without validation
[he exits and goes back out on the dance floor to meet Jordan]
[camera comes back to Lilith and Kyle after following Gabe and the two are adjusting clothes]

Lilith: Well stranger.

Kyle: Babe remember my name is lover now [he says as he kisses her neck and caress her legs]

Lilith: OK so here is how this goes. [she pushes him off of her] I will leave you will leave. We go our separate ways never speak again about this or to each other. [She gets up to leave and he grabs her] NO!

Kyle: But baby, Red, didn’t you have fun

Lilith: Too be honest not really but nice try..Have fun at the party
.[And she walks away leaving Kyle alone]

[Lilith's phone vibrates]


[Lilith ignores the message]


[Lilith starts to head to main house]



[Seeing the fear in Lilith she throws the phone in the pool]

Lilith: Leave me ALONE!

[the crowd looks towards Lilith cut back to Gabriel and Jordan]

Jordan: you were in there for a long time did everything come out allright
Gabriel: what do you mean?
Jordan: glad you didn’t fall in
Gabriel: Oh! Haha, I’m sorry my mind is just somewhere else tonight
[Cut to Andrew dancing with Anna]
Anna: what’s wrong?
Andrew: nothing
Anna: no its something
[Andrew kisses her, and his face turns to a look of anguish]
Anna: what’s the matter, why do you look that way when you just kissed me
Andrew: I’m sorry I just I don’t think this is going to work out, excuse me
[he walks up to Gabriel turns him around]
Andrew: you don’t have to wait anymore
Gabriel: What?!?
[Andrew kisses him]
-blackout/commercial/ storyline change-
[lights come up the entire party is halted and everyone is in a state of shock]
Andrew: and if you say you didn’t like that you’re a damn liar.
Gabriel: I, I have to go
Andrew: but I thought that’s what you wanted you say im the one that’s always running away and now im not running anymore and now you’ve started
Gabriel: I did want this, I wanted it so bad I just thought you would have done it when I hadn’t already found someone else, now I don’t know what to do
Andrew: you dump the guy you came with and you and I can be together, the future is now
Gabriel: that’s just it, I don’t even know if we have a future and I met someone who wasn’t afraid to be with me, and it took jealousy for you to finally have the courage to do this and I don’t know if I can trust you to be with me through the long haul, because to tell you the truth im not in this for the week or the year, im in it till the dying breath and if it takes a hundred guys before I find that one I don’t care but right now he may be it, and I don’t know what to do or anything right now I have to go
 [meanwhile, swipe/whip pan/cut frame to the upstairs bedroom where Mary is at, she is staring at the mirror fixing her makeup covering up a bruise, when someone enters the room in silhouette]
Adam: knock knock
Mary: Adam what are you doing here?
Adam: better question what have you been doing avoiding me
Mary: I don’t want to see you again, you hit me, and that will never happen again I promise you
[She heads towards the door but he is blocking her]
Adam: so sure of that, well we’ll see
Mary: let me out of here I swear ill call the cops
[He flies into a blind rage and begins to assault her she kicks him in the crotch and runs down the stairs and grabs Gabriel]
Mary: Gabriel come on we have to go now
Gabriel: good I was just leaving
[They exit the party and get in the car they begin to discuss when headlights appear in front of them and swerves into their lane hitting them head on the wreck is bad and Gabriel crawls out pulling out an unconscious Mary, then the sirens approach and the lights go out end of episode two]