Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Episode 1 (full episode)

Lipsynch Lullabyes
Season one - Episode one
[The show opens after the credits role on a party everyone is there from Francis Academy the Camera follows multiple people talking but zooms in on a young man sitting in the corner all alone looking longingly at the orgy of people writhing on the dance floor]
- in case you were wondering this is the first party to start my senior year, and I’m sitting on the couch drinking alone, meanwhile everyone I know is having fun, but I am alone and wondering why I came
[The young man gets up to leave when a young woman at the door stops him]
Mary: where are you going Gabriel?
Gabriel: I’m, I’m gonna leave, I’m a real drag on this party
Mary: but you just got here?
Gabriel: I know I just I have to work in the morning and besides it’s not a great party
Mary: what’s really going on Gabriel?
Gabriel: maybe I’ll tell you later on but not tonight go have fun, I’ll be alright just go have a good time
Mary: who are you going to meet?
Gabriel: no one, actually, I’m trying to get away from someone
Mary: you want to talk about it?
Gabriel: not in front of all these people it’s really sort of private
[She grabs his hand and takes him up the stairs to an empty bedroom]
Mary: okay now spill it what’s going on?
Gabriel: It’s just something that’s on my mind
Mary: who’s the guy you’ve fallen for this time
Gabriel: I haven’t fallen for anyone actually, he fell for me
Mary: what when did this happen?
Gabriel: I can’t talk about this now there’s something I’ve got to go do
[He goes downstairs and out the front door to sit on the front porch and lights up a cigarette]
Andrew: you know you really shouldn’t smoke those
Gabriel: What’s it matter to you
Andrew: I’ve been looking all around for you
Gabriel: well you must not have been looking too hard because I saw you so many times, what happened to I’ll be right back
Andrew: look I came to the party with Anna I wasn’t gonna leave her alone all night
Gabriel: there you go again
Andrew: what are you talking about
Gabriel: look there’s no one around listening can you at least be serious
Andrew: about what?
Gabriel: why are you doing this?
Andrew: I don’t know what you’re talking about
Gabriel: Oh my god, how in denial are you Andrew?
Andrew: Gabriel I’m sorry I didn’t come hang out with you but you’re acting really weird ill talk to you later
Gabriel: wait, sit down
[They both sit down and Gabriel pours his heart out]
Gabriel: I can’t go on like this Andrew
Andrew: like what
Gabriel: like this. Pretending were just friends. You flirt with me every day and then you tell me you love me, and then you claim it was a joke just to mess with my head. But I know your secret Andrew
Andrew: I don’t have any secrets
Gabriel: you’re gay,
Andrew: No I’m not how can you say that I’m here with Anna
Gabriel: your gay and it scares the hell out of you, and you and I both know you don’t feel anything for Anna but yet instead of coming here with me you come here with her why?, are you just trying to hurt me or are you ashamed of me I’m not sure which but I know you weren’t lying when you told me you loved me, I could see it in your eyes and unlike you  I’m not going to pretend I didn’t feel anything when you kissed me at that party this summer because it’s been in my head for weeks  and I don’t care how drunk you say you were, you and I both know you meant to do it
Andrew: I’m not Gay , I’m cool with you, I understand that you are, but I’m not that way
Gabriel: you know what I can’t do this anymore goodnight Andrew I’m going home I hope you have a pleasant evening with Anna I hope you both have a really bitchin time
Andrew: [grabbing him by the arm] wait a minute
Gabriel: [resisting] let go of me I’m going home
Andrew: [pulling harder] talk to me
[as Gabriel fights away he falls up against Andrew and Andrew kisses him then immediately pulls back, Gabriel returns the kiss and Andrew doesn’t fight it until he hears the door slams and then he lets go and goes into the house without a word Gabriel goes in after him after a moment or two when the after-shock wears off he goes in and sees Andrew Kissing Anna and runs out of the door and gets in his car when his phone beeps with a message which he reads aloud]
Gabriel: [reading text message] I saw the whole thing, you help me and I’ll help you [his phone beeps again only this time with a video message of he and Andrews kiss]
-Black out storyline break/ commercial moment-
[ opening back up on the school hallways there’s a small gathering of people sitting against the walls some crowded against the lockers Gabriel Walks through then he notices Andrew and quickly darts through the crowd and tries to get away he thinks he’s lost him when he gets to the end of the building and as he opens the door he runs right into Andrew and his books go everywhere]
Gabriel: Damn it!
Andrew: sorry about your books
Gabriel: just leave them I got it
Andrew: I want to talk to you
Gabriel: well I’m done talking I’ve had enough
Andrew: Please just five minutes I have something I need to say to you …..Privately
[ They walk to one of the rehearsal rooms of the arts building]
Gabriel: what could you possibly have to say that you haven’t already made abundantly clear
Andrew: I just want to talk about last night I want you to know
Gabriel: you were drunk, it was an accident, some gay demon possessed your body and forced you to kiss me, pick one I don’t care which , they’re lies just the same
Andrew: that’s not what I meant
Gabriel: well you made it obvious to me that I was right
Andrew: right about what
Gabriel: that your gay and you’re never going to come out I saw your kiss with Anna
Andrew: what does it matter to you
Gabriel: does she kiss as good as I do or did you imagine it was me
Andrew: I’m not going to do this with you , I’m not, I tried to have this conversation with you but I’m not able to
Gabriel: oh so now you’ve just deliberately wasted my time, I’m already late for class the least you could do is lie to me like you planned
Andrew: I wasn’t going to lie to you
Gabriel: oh the truth that’s refreshing, or is it your version of the truth
[Andrew kisses Gabriel, it’s very passionate very heartfelt and then when it’s done he pulls away from Gabriel and Gabriel tries to kiss him back but he retreats, Gabriel starts to cry]
Gabriel: why do you do that, why can’t you just say it, we both know it’s true, or are you going to blame what just happened on something to, why are you always doing that, it’s supposed to be okay for you to kiss me , but when I try to kiss back you retreat, what are you scared of , no one’s here with us , no one’s watching.
Andrew: I , I , I just can’t
Gabriel: you can’t what, it doesn’t matter to me, you don’t have to pretend that you’re someone you’re not, I’m not going anywhere
Andrew: you’ve got to promise not to tell
Gabriel: what are you so afraid of , that people are going to hate you, that your friends will forget who you are, believe me, the ones that care don’t mind so what is it
Andrew: I can’t come out for you I just can’t do it
Gabriel: so I’m supposed to what wait on you , wait until you find the balls to be who you really are, instead of living in secret, don’t expect me to hold my breath for you to come back because If I have to wait for you I may be waiting forever, I mean am I just a way for you to let off steam or do you feel how I feel about you, do you even care about me at all?
Andrew: I do, and I want to be with you but I just..
Gabriel: your afraid, I get it , do you think it was easy for me to come out of the closet, it wasn’t , but you can’t go on living a lie, and I can’t go on like this with you, meeting in secret watching you with someone else knowing what I know meanwhile you don’t even have the guts to say who you are not even to me
Andrew: just whatever you do don’t tell
Gabriel: I won’t but you should one day you’re going to run out of air behind that closet door , I just hope you have the will to open it before you suffocate
-blackout storyline break/commercial-
[ Gabriel checks his phone again zoom in on the text message saying : meet me outside the school alone I’ve got what you want brief black out fade in on the alley outside the school where there is the back of someone in a pea coat]
Gabriel: hello?
[The person turns around]
Kyle: hello Gabriel
Gabriel: I would have thought you would have something to do with this what do you want
Kyle: it’s not what I want it’s what you want
Gabriel: and what is that
Kyle: you remember the video message I sent you
Gabriel: yeah I don’t really care, it doesn’t matter to me anymore
Kyle: you seemed pretty upset at the party
Gabriel: why wouldn’t I be
Kyle: do you really think you have a future with someone that’s so far in the closet that they’ve probably found Narnia by now
Gabriel: possibly when he’s ready what’s it matter to you, don’t you hate me
Kyle: I could never hate you , I need you
Gabriel: I’m getting impatient here what’s your proposition?
Kyle: you’re a popular guy people trust you
Gabriel: yeah and
Kyle: well as you know I’m in a pinch here what with being under constant surveillance and such
Gabriel: because you’re a drug dealer
Kyle: shhhhhh, don’t speak of what you do not know, the point is , your never gonna have oh what’s his face because he’s probably never going to come out of the closet by choice, all I need from you is to deliver something for me , you don’t have to even know what it is, ill drop it on your doorstep and you just have to deliver it for me and I can ensure that your love interest becomes available to you
Gabriel: firstly your insane to even think I would do anything for you after what happened between us, secondly I’m never going to deliver drugs for you, thirdly I’m appalled that you think I could be bought for such a low price and lastly , there’s no way you can possibly get Andrew out of the closet.
Kyle: you clearly underestimate how persuasive I can be
Gabriel: the only one he thinks knows is me, and I promised him that I would keep his secret , I’d rather him live a lie than hate me forever for outing him before he was ready, never talk to me again I have no desire to ever associate with you again, I made that clear when you excised me from your life
Kyle: make no mistake you will work for me, you always knew I had a way of getting what I want , that’s what you liked about me when you liked me
Gabriel: don’t flatter yourself, now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got things to do and they don’t include wasting time talking to you
[ He walks off fade out]
[Fade back in on homeroom the announcements come on]
Announcements: now if you will stand for the pledge of allegiance : I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Now please turn your attention to your television sets the av club has prepared an advertisement for the bake sale [ the ad begins to play then cuts out a little static and then video returns , only it’s the video  from the party of Gabriel and Andrew]

[Black out storyline break/commercial moment]

[story opens back up on the interior of Gabriels house the phone rings]
Gabriel: hello?
Andrew: how could you do that
Gabriel: what?
Andrew: I trusted you , you said you’d never tell
Gabriel: I didn’t
Andrew: no you just broadcast it to everyone thanks a lot, I really did want to b with you when I was ready, but now that’s all over thanks
Gabriel: would you just shut up and listen to me!
Andrew: why should I, As far as im concerned I don’t owe you anything, you should be happy im even willing to talk to you to say this
Gabriel: I DIDN’T PUT THAT ON THE ANNOUNCEMENTS YOU TWIT!  God why the hell do I have feelings for you when you’re so ignorant some times, especially considering the fact that how the hell could I have taken the video when you and I both know I was busy kissing you during the time, im not a fucking magician you know
Andrew: somehow I know you had something to do with it
Gabriel: I swear to you I didn’t, I may want more than anything for you to admit the truth but I don’t want anything bad enough to betray a promise, especially to someone I love
Andrew: im sorry its just you’re the only one I knew that knows what was I supposed to think
Gabriel: I expected you to trust me, I would never lie to you, for gods sake I just told you I loved you and all you can think about is how angry you are at me for something that I didn’t do, I mean do you even care for me at all, or do you not think that this coming about is just as embarrassing for me
Andrew: embarrassing for you?
Gabriel: yes embarrassing for me, do you know how many times ive been called whore today, or the recruiter, or been accused of turning a straight guy, do you even realize some of the slurs ive been called by some of your so called “friends” on the football team
Andrew: yeah I know exactly what you mean, I don’t even know if I have any friends anymore, Everyone now knows my dirty little secret, everyone knows I’m gay, I was going to tell them on my terms and that was taken away from me
Gabriel: Andrew, it’s going to be okay trust me, I learned long ago, that the ones that matter won’t care, and the ones that care don’t matter, all your real friends will accept you, and people will find you courageous, and who knows it’s probably better this way, now everyone knows, now you can stop hiding, now you don’t have to find a way of telling everyone. I promise to you it will be okay
Andrew: I wasn’t ready though, it really pisses me off
Gabriel: well I just want you to know that I didn’t do that, I would never do that to you, the good thing is, that now we don’t have to hide our relationship
Andrew: I have to tell you something,
Gabriel: what?
Andrew: I think its best if we were just friends for now I know you didn’t do it, but part of me just needs to distance myself from you for now
  [Morning after where the show left off-:-
Lilith sits at her vanity admiring herself in the mirrior while combing her tantalizing red waves of hair]
Lilith: Look at me. I’m beautiful, breathtaking to be honest. One day I will rule the world, but for now I will settle for ruling the school. Who wouldn’t want to be with me? James will learn to adore the tile of flooring I walk on. [Addressing the mirror] And darling,  no one will ever turn you down. You are THE QUEEN! [Snaps like a diva]
[Satisfied with her speech she finishes combing her hair and turns to grab her makeup when her cell phone receives a text]
I no ur secrt

[Trembling with fear Lilith closes her phone and sets it aside. She finishes her makeup grabs her bag and runs downstairs to grab her car keys]
Elise: Darling you better hurry or you will be late AGAIN.

Lilith: Mother I know! GOSH JUST LEAVE ME BE!

Elise: Now Elizabeth Dee dont you use that tone with me young lady!

Lilith: Mother! My name is Lilith not that fiflthy overused weakling name you gave me at birth!

[Elise sighs knowing the argument will only cause her daughter to be late to school again]

Elise: Okay LILITH run along now you have to get to school..

[The two share a quick hug and Lilith leaves]

[Lilith arrives to school in her custom shade pink Volkswagon Lolliee: Lilith’s always up-beat and bubbly best and closest friend greets her as she pulls up]
Lolliee: OMG Lilith where have you been James has been looking for you for like EVER girl!

Lilith: Had the usual morning fight with the HAG chill Lolliess. James can hold off and wait we ARE playing my game which means MY RULES.

Lolliee: Allrighty!.......So the school is in like humongo chaos after yesterdays spillage of homoness. Gabriel AND Andrew. WOW who would have thought. All of that delicious man candy GONE from our playing field. [sighs]

[Lilith receives another text, zoom in on her phone screen]


[Lilith gets the chills: zoom in on her face then back to the phone as it renders another new message from the unknown number]
Oh Red I love it when the sun plays with ur hair like that

[Lilith grabs Lollies arm and leads her quickly toward the school building door as her phone goes off again and she checks it franticly trying to be non-chalant]
My Queen why do u run away only whn I admire?Dnt u c that I LOVE U!XOXOX

Lolliee: HEY! Lilith why are we walking soooo fast? I’m wearing GUCCI heels and my feet hurt!

Lilith: Oh it's nothing just you know don’t want to be late for first bell.

[Lilith recieves one last message before she powers down her phone zoom in once more on the phone for the message then back to close up]

Run run as fast as you can now.. YOU WILL BE MINE!

-Blackout end of episode one-

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