Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Season Two Episode One

Lipsynch Lullabyes

( season two)

Episode One

[we open up on a college campus a lot has changed since last year we find Gabriel far from home and walking through a crosswalk at night there are a few people around but he soon finds himself alone and in a parking garage he goes to his car and finds it to have been vandalized with hate messages, there is a pickup truck at the back of the parking deck out of Gabriel’s periphery, as Gabriel starts to pull off the notes and various other debris and unlock his car behind him the lights of the pickup come on and the engine revs, Gabriel is unaware of this, the truck approaches at high speed Gabriel with his earphones in sees the reflection of the lights in his side-view mirror and jumps to the left, the truck tears off the back bumper of Gabriel’s car and then drives away satisfied with the damage done. Opening Credits roll]

[ the next day Gabriel is in the Dean’s office explaining the incident and showing him pictures of the damage]

Dean: and do you have the license plate number of the assailant?

Gabriel: no are you insane, yeah I just nearly got ran down by a red pickup and I have the time to materialize a pen and paper and record the license plate number, because that’s logical

Dean: well I’m sorry Gabriel, we can give you the number of the human resources office and you can report a hit and run and we will reimburse you the cost of repairs but I’m not going to pull someone out of a lecture to reprimand them for something I have no proof that they did other than hear say and speculation.

Gabriel: you know who did this!, I cant believe your going to let them get away with this they could have killed me

Dean: Gabriel, if they wanted to kill you why didn’t they turn around

Gabriel: well you know what look at the camera footage im sure theres a shot of the license plate on it, just look at it

Dean: I’m sorry but it won’t be if this happened at 11 the parking deck cameras stop recording at  ten o clock pm

Gabriel: well you know what when I do have proof or when Sammy finally kills me , I hope you can sleep at night for not doing anything about this, im glad to know my personal safety matters to the staff at this school

[Gabriel storms out and slams the door behind him, and goes to eat with Jordan]

Gabriel: I cant believe we gave up UCLA, and NYU for this

Jordan: we didn’t give it up, we can still go there we just have to tough it out through some semesters, until either my dad changes his mind …or until I make enough money for us to move

Gabriel: at least we could have lived off campus that would have been fucking great, who decided to make it a rule that freshmen have to live in the dorms

Jordan: its not so bad, I mean yeah theres communal showering and closed in living space but at least my roommates you

Gabriel: yeah your rooming with the biggest moving target on campus … I bet you feel safe right about now

[suddenly behind them Sam a redneck fundamentalist Christian with very strong views walks up, and assaults Gabriel in the back of the head with his hat]

Gabriel: What the Fuck!, Jesus Christ cant you leave me the hell alone

Sam: no

Gabriel: what did I ever do to you, have I ever caused any kind of burden on your life why the hell cant you find someone else to harass

Sam: its not what you’ve done to me its what you’ve done to god

Gabriel: how the fuck do you know what goes on between me and god

Sam: you’re a fornicator, and you don’t belong here, man shalt not lie with man as they do with woman it is abomination

Gabriel: what business is it of yours who I lie with?, judgement beith mine say-eth the lord, love thy neighbor as thyself

Sam: god said blood beith upon the homosexuals, you disgusting sodomite, your going to hell, and we don’t want your kind here

Gabriel: I have just as much right to be here as you do

Sam: according to whom

Gabriel: according to the constitution

Sam: according to god you should be stoned

Gabriel: well guess what that shirt is polyester, I hope you enjoy seeing me in hell asshole

Sam: this isn’t over you gutter trash ill get you out of here if it’s the last thing I do

Gabriel: you know Sammy you should really read that book your thumping before you try to use it to condemn me with it because you just made yourself look stupid, and on top of that YOUR NOT GOD, so quit acting as though you are you ignorant fuck!, and leave me the hell alone

Sam: you’ll have to answer to a higher power someday and I hope He has mercy on you

Gabriel: im sure SHE will

Sam: blasphemer!

Gabriel: go eat shellfish and die, you persistant cunt

Sam: enjoy your lunch hope nothing happens to your car tonight

Gabriel: now why would you say that I imagine?, I know it was you, and I will prove it and you can take your holier than thou homophobic ass to jail when im done with you , you extremist I swear to GOD !

[Sammy walks away]

Jordan: don’t mind him, just leave him alone if you give him attention he’ll just continue ignore him and he will go away

Gabriel: I cant ignore it Jordan does it not affect you at all that he tried to kill me last night, does noone find that the least bit eye opening, its people like him that killed Mathew Shappard, its people like him that are the reason that its not safe in schools its people like him that cause gay teens to commit suicide people like him caused columbine

Jordan: its okay we just have to survive through this, we will endure

Gabriel: at what cost Jordan, my personal health, or what should I pretend to be a born again Christian and go back in the closet and condemn myself and my community, should I go out and date rape coeds would that make everyone around here happy would that make me fit in!

Jordan: if it helps yes

Gabriel: I cant believe you just said that, im sorry but I have to go now ill see you back at the dorm

Jordan: no you wont its Friday, im going back home for the weekend

Gabriel: oh shit that’s right, im late ill text you this weekend im supposed to meet up with Jillian, shes back in town this week Fuck I cant believe I forgot!


[open back up on the mall Jillian is walking with Gabriel, shopping bags in hand]

Jillian: ooh can we stop by the food court, I’m starving

Gabriel: again?

Jillian: you sound so surprised

Gabriel: we just ate half an hour ago

Jillian: what are you trying to say, you calling me fat, Virginia slim?

Gabriel: well…

[they sit down at a table and get some food]

Jillian: so theres something I have to tell you

Gabriel: don’t make me guess, I hate playing the guessing game

Jillian: its not bad news but it’s the kind of news that feels like its bad

Gabriel: so who’s the guy?

Jillian: same one from last, year, kind of the seed of the problem so to speak, apparently you can’t be too careful these days, you remember the story about Jesus in the bible

Gabriel: oh god

Jillian: well I may not be a virgin but this is definitely an immaculate conception

Gabriel: Jesus Christ Jillian, why do I have to keep telling you guys the pull out method is a bunch of horse shit

Jillian: no that’s just it, I used a condom, spermicide, and I was on birth control, somehow that little fucker managed to swim up stream

Gabriel: so you and Daniel…

Jillian: he doesn’t know, I don’t know how to tell him, I don’t know what to do im not ready to be a mom, and I haven’t even told my parents

Gabriel: who else knows?

Jillian: just me and you

Gabriel: oh my god, what are you, I mean are you going to keep it

Jillian: I don’t know yet, it’s still early enough I can have it taken care of, but I don’t know if I could do that you know I was going to go ahead and start looking for parents to adopt it, if I make the decision to carry it through, but will you help me?

Gabriel: of course I will, honey I’m your best friend I’m here for you through everything, if you decide to keep it, and your parents for whatever reason react badly, you can come live with Jordan and I, that little sea monkey in there will have the best two gay uncles in the world

Jillian: it’s so hard I just feel like I’m so alone, everyone else is so far away I feel like I’m the only one who’s truly stuck here

Gabriel: wow that’s a lot

Jillian: so what’s new with you

Gabriel: a lot actually, not anything as big as your news, well kind of this one thing, but I don’t want to stress you out about it, your with child and all

Jillian: tell me

Gabriel: I have this stalker, and not that this town or county has ever been the most safe or supportive place, but for the first time in my life I feel like my life’s in danger, I almost got ran down by this guy in his big ass red pickup truck last night in the parking garage

Jillian: do you know who It is, have you told someone

Gabriel: I know exactly who it is, I told the Dean he’s blowing it off like it’s nothing, you know, the gay kid doesn’t matter, I’m just an unholy demonic harlot, pedaling my flesh around campus

Jillian: oh my god

Gabriel: its terrible, I’m seriously thinking about dropping out because of it, I can’t live in fear of this guy, and I can’t go back in the closet and pretend I’m somehow miraculously straight, no matter how much that would please almost everyone on campus, this guy doesn’t give up, if its not the semi anonymous death threats, it’s the taunting me in public the humiliations, physically assaulting me in the quad, and somehow its all has a blind eye turned to it, even though its in broad day light

Jillian: whats this guys deal

Gabriel: I think he’s a head case, the way he keeps selling his god you’d think he were the last prophet or the next messiah, sent to deliver the so called righteous from the depraved havoc causing homosexuals, it’s starting to get into my head, even when something’s not happening I’m on edge, I see him everywhere I’m afraid to go to sleep, I haven’t slept in two days, but I keep telling myself its nothing I cant handle but maybe I bit off more than I could chew

Jillian: so how did this all start, did he just decide without knowing you he was going to make your life a living hell or something

Gabriel: I think its because I wanted to start a GSA on campus, apparently that was a major affront to god worthy of incurring the wrath of the Holy Samael

Jillian: his name is Samael

Gabriel: no I call him that because it’s the name of a demon, in reality and on the birth certificates he’s just plain old Sammy, the hypocrite evangelist with a soft spot for sermons about fire and brimstone reigning down on me and only me

Jillian: you know this sounds awfully familiar

Gabriel: to what

Jillian: remember when you and Andrew first started your whole closeted infatuation, how he hated you and would always torment you up until he finally came out

Gabriel: I haven’t even thought of Andrew since graduation day, how is that similar, Andrew was just trying to put up a front, he never tried to take my life

Jillian: it’s the whole closet case mentality, the gay hate the gay-er, hes consumed by jealousy, and convinced that by tormenting you he’s going to chase away his own sexual attractions, you should call him out, see what happens, if he is you’ll know

[black out]

[meanwhile, miles away Jordan is at his parent’s house, for family dinner]

J.M.: so how’s school going sweetie?

Jordan: uh same old same old, I’m passing my classes, my professors like me, were learning to make bombs in science you know the usual

J.M.: that’s not funny

J.D.: I found it pretty humorous

Jordan: it’s school mom, it’s just like high school only with a bill attached to it, and it comes with a bed and a roommate

J.D.: have you pledged any frats yet you know when I was at college I was a legend at Alpha Gamma Chi

Jordan: no dad, frats on campus are the most pretentious people on campus

J.M.: so now that you’re in college are you having any luck with the ladies are you seeing anyone?

Jordan: yes and no

J.D.: that’s my boy, don’t go breaking too many hearts while your at college though, or else you might end up paying for it later, don’t believe me ask your mother, I had to propose twice to her to prove I was serious, I had a reputation for being a heartbreaker…I did tell you I was a legend right

Jordan: it’s not who you think, I’m definitely involved with someone but…your not gonna like it

J.M.: what wont we like about it honey

J.D.: what is she ugly?

J.M.: you know we’ll love any girl you love just so long as she makes you happy

Jordan: that’s kind of the thing, I’m dating a guy, I have been ever since last year

J.M.: I think I need to go check on desert

Jordan: and here we go again

J.M.: well honey what do you want me to say? We went through the therapy with you, you promised you had gotten better, and nothings changed, what more is there to say

Jordan: mom I’m gay not terminally ill, im not schizophrenic, theres not a pill you can give me to make me magically straight

J.M.: we’ll talk about this in the morning I need to go to bed, I have a headache

Jordan: the old evasive action, I’m sorry I told you, don’t worry I’m going back to campus in the morning, ill be gone early so you can pretend this is all just a wine dream, and go back to your happy illusion that your son is straight


[back on Campus, theres a rally going on on two sides of the quad, Gabriel is standing with a few supporters while on the other side Sammy is leading the protest against the G.S.A.]

Sammy: ( through a megaphone) Behold the sodomites, pray for salvation and turn them away from here, they bring down nations and defile all sense of moral truth, in the bible it says and I quote, if a man lies with another man as he lies with women it is an abomination, and they shall surely be put to death.

Gabriel: (picking up a microphone) Behold the false idol, violator of the first commandment, bearing false witness and drawing worship from the lord, the bible warns to beware of false prophets as they will lead you astray from the path of righteousness, all we want is equality, we cant help the way were born

Sammy: noone is born gay it’s a choice

Gabriel: do not be mislead by his words of hatred because he is speaking out of envy

Sammy: how could I envy a queer and fornicator

Gabriel: pitty him for he knows not what he does

Sammy: I know exactly what im doing

Gabriel: your condemning someone for being their self, your acting out of rage, attempting to intimidate attempting to murder, spreading fear into the hearts of your wayward deciples, your afraid of us because we are different, and you hate us because we don’t deny it, you try and you try to keep us down and for what to chase away your own insecurities, face it Sammy you only hate me because I’m what you wish you could be, free, your self diluted and spiteful all because I’m out and I’m proud and I don’t hide or apologize for who I am.

Sammy: you’re a flamer is what you are

Gabriel: and you’re a self loathing closet case, putting me down wont make you love yourself, it wont make you straight, oh and the god you claim hates us, hate liars more so you’ll be two circles below me in the hell you swear im going to, Don’t hate yourself Sammy and don’t hate me, its not my fault and its not your fault that your gay and you cant accept yourself

[Sammy throws down his megaphone and crosses the line over to Gabriel, and punches him, they get into an all out brawl and Gabriel gets pinned, while he’s down Sammy kisses him]

Gabriel: I knew it!, now get off of me you closet case

[suddenly across the quad Gabriel sees someone he knows, he pushes Sammy off of him, and runs in that direction, as he gets closer he sees its Andrew]

Gabriel: what are you doing here

Andrew: Jillian, called me and told me you might need some help, I know you probably hate me, but I still love you and I’ve decided that if I can’t be with you then I might as well be your friend and it’s better to be in your life as a friend miserable to not have you then to be miserable without you and not be in your life at all

[ Gabriel hugs him]

Gabriel: I’m glad you’re here actually I need your help with something, you like Irish guys right?

Andrew: I guess

Gabriel: good because I think someone had a break through today, and hey you need a boyfriend he definitely needs to get laid, its perfect ill introduce you when the crowd dies down

[the crowd dissipates and they walk over to Sammy who is having his head iced down by the vice president of the GSA]

Gabriel: so now that you got your ass kicked and you’ve been embarrassed and outed, are you going to quit trying to kill me and maybe talk to someone?

Sammy: shut up and go away

Gabriel: I see Vincent got you some ice, see were not demonic and were even nice to our tormentors when they need help

Sammy: I don’t want to talk to you?

Gabriel: well luckily I brought someone to talk to you other than me, Andrew this is Sammy, Sammy this is Andrew, not as attractive as me but still a good listener and he’s been in your position as well, at any rate I can see you still haven’t exorcised all of your inner demons so im going to go and leave you two alone, by the way keep ice on that bruise it should go away in time

[Gabriel goes off to meet up with Jordan]

Andrew: so you’re the one I’ve been hearing about, funny I pictured you as taller…and with fangs, you don’t seem so threatening to me, but then again you just got in a fight with Gabriel…. Yeah rule of thumb, just because someone’s gay and more effeminate does not mean that they can’t fight, I made that mistake a few times too, he’s feisty to be so tiny  

Sammy: who the fuck are you

Andrew: woah, woah, calm down there chief, I happen to be someone who knows exactly what your going through, I was that guy a couple of years ago, actually not too long ago

Sammy: and I mean what exactly to you?

Andrew: surly I can see were going to get along fine, the names Andrew

Sammy: Sammy

Andrew: you like vodka Sammy

Sammy: does a brown bear shit in the woods

Andrew: good lets go do some shots, take the sting out of that head trauma you got going on there

[black out]

[Back in the home town, Jillian is sitting on a couch waiting on a call from Gabriel, the phone rings]

Jillian: hey where are you your so late its ridiculous

Gabriel: well something came up at school I got in a fight, which I won, but at any rate im not presentable to interview in person, but I will be on Skype so video call me and I will give you my input,

Jillian: but I’m so alone, theres noone here beside me, I need someone to sit with me through this

Gabriel: guess who is back in town that you haven’t told

Jillian: Lillith?

Gabriel: umm no, although you need to tell her, Selena

Jillian: ughh

Gabriel: hey don’t knock it, you two need to get to know each other better and be friends

Jillian: okay fine but you better Skype me bitch and you better haul your slender ass over here tomorrow when I make my decision to tell me I’m an idiot when I decide to do the wrong thing

Gabriel: okay then, it’s a deal you big slut now go call Selena

[cut-scene  Gabriel is watching from the monitor Selena and Jillian are interviewing long montage]

Jillian: oh my god I cant do this I need to get out of here

[she gets up and goes to the bathroom, Selena picks up the computer and follows her, placing the computer on the counter and holding Jillian’s hair while she vomits]

Selena: the morning sickness has started

[she hands Jillian some crackers after she finishes throwing up]

Jillian: how do you know

Selena: we’ll when your pregnant, you get sick a lot they call it morning sickness but it really happens all the damn day, I had a pregnancy scare sophomore year, I missed school for a month, turns out it was a parasitic fetus and I had to abort

Jillian: that’s so sad,

Selena: its okay, I wasn’t even the least bit unhappy about it, I didn’t want it, I could have died if I carried it full term, and the baby wouldn’t have lived anyway, and I was relieved more than anything

Jillian: so what does this mean?

Selena: it means chin up sweetie your gonna be a mom whether you like it or not, because its passed the grace period, its officially a living thing, and you either have to grow up or give it up for adoption

Jillian: thank god I don’t have to decide anymore, but god this is going to suck

Gabriel: were here for you honey, were not going anywhere

[black out end of episode 1]

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